Thank you!
To make the T-shirt designs for this website often pictures were used as a form of inspiration. Below I would like to thank the people and sites for their inspirational pictures and especially their delicious recipes and displays of food.
- Our Cupcake T-shirt design is based on the beautiful photos of Diane's delicious pink rose valentine cupcakes. See Created by Diane, for this and other recipes, tips and tricks. Thank you Diane.
To make the website as it is, I borrowed some practical scripts for extra functionality and user friendliness. Below I would like to thank the people who made these scripts and offer them to strangers like me.
- To the people at Tectite, a big thank you for the powerful and free PHP form processing script.

- Thank you to Raff Cecco at Professor CLOUD, for his Cloud Zoom. Cloud Zoom is a beautifull jQuery image zoom plugin. Very beautiful zoom function and it works like a charm.